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The Cheng BioLab



2024/4/24 Our work has been published in Nature Communications! Congratulations to Hui-Hsien and Lin-Chen!! We reveal that the non-canonical C-term-phosphorylation of eIF2α mediated by SPA kinases plays an important role in light-induced translation during photomorphogenesis. Join us to see the sophisticated mechanism of light-induced translational control. 


2024/2/12 Our work has been published in Plant Cell & Environment (Impact factor=7.9)! We reveal that SCE1 and COP1 enzymes, that function in sumoylation and ubiquitination, play contrasting regulatory roles in stress response by mediating the effects of light on ERF1’s protein stability. Join us to learn how ERF1 is regulated under light-dark cycle!

2024/1  Zhi-Yong and Ping-Chien got admitted to the BST Master programs at NTU!! Congratulations!

2023/11/01  Clara Schmidt from Free University of Berlin joined our lab as a visiting scholar! Welcome!

2023/10/15 Hui-Hsien received Excellence Award, Zi-Xuan and Yu-Ying received Honorable Mention Award at 2023 TJPB poster presentation competition. Congratulations!

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2023/10/14 Hui-Hsien, Zi-Xuan and Yu-Ying presented their work in 2023 TJPB meeting!

2023/10/14 Jia-Hong won the best plant science master thesis award from the Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists (台灣植物學會/TSPB)! Congratulations!

2023/10/14 Our lab joined the 2023 Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology conference held in Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dr. Cheng was invited to give a talk about "Translational regulation of Plant Photomorphogenesis" at the meeting.

2023/10/12 Dr. Mei-Chun Cheng delivered a talk at National Tsing-Hua University. 
Talk title: Translational regulation of light responses in plants

2023/9/28 Dr. Cheng receives year 112 outstanding teaching award from NTU!

2023/8/5 Dr. Cheng attended 2023 ASPB conference in Savannah, USA. She was selected to give a talk at the conference.

Talk title: Translational regulation of plant photomorphogenesis

2023/6  Yan-Yu, Zhi-Yong, and Ping-Chien were awarded the NSTC undergraduate research project! Congratulations!

2023/6/5 Hui-Hsien, Jia-Hong and Wei attended the 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research in Chiba, Japan.

They all presented their interesting research during poster session.

2023/5/22  Joey Wu from University of Pennsylvania joined our lab as a summer undergraduate researcher! Welcome!

2023/5/17 Jia-Hong won Excellence Award and An-Chi won Honorable Mention Award in BST department's thesis poster competition!

2023/3/23 Dr. Mei-Chun Cheng delivered a talk at National Sun-Yat-Sen University. 
Talk title: Translational regulation of light responses in plants

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Dr. Mei-Chun Cheng receives the 2023 ASPB Women Young Investigator Travel Award! 
Abstract title: Regulation of protein stability under light-stress signaling crosstalk


Hui-Hsien receives the 2023 ICAR Student Travel Award!
Abstract title: Translational regulation by light in plants


Wen-Chi won an excellence poster award at the 2022 post-pandemic era for frontier plant science and sustainable agriculture conference!


Hui-Hsien won an honorable mention award at the 2022 post-pandemic era for frontier plant science and sustainable agriculture conference!


Hui-Hsien won the High Distinction award of 3 min-lightning talk competition at the 2022 post-pandemic era for frontier plant science and sustainable agriculture conference


Wen-Chi won the 2nd prize of the best plant science master thesis award from 2022 Taiwan Society of Plant Biology (TSPB)


Our lab joined the 33rd TSPB meeting - 2022 Post-pandemic era for frontier plant science and sustainable agriculture conference

2022 Post-pandemic era for frontier plant science and sustainable agriculture conference was held in Huisun Forest area, Nantou, during 9/30-10/2


Dr. Cheng receives outstanding teaching award from NTU


Wen-Chi won an excellent poster award at 生技所 thesis poster competition


Latest review article "Phytochrome signaling networks" published in Annual Review of Plant Biology

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Dr. Cheng's latest review article entitled "Phytochrome signaling networks" has been accepted by Annual Review of Plant Biology (Impact Factor: 19.54) and will be published in Volume 72, 2021 of ARPB.

Dr. Cheng receives NTU Chen-Yung Foundation Fellowship


Latest Research published in Winslow Briggs Special Issue in Molecular Plant

Dr. Cheng's latest article entitled "PCH1 and PCHL Directly Interact with PIF1, Promote Its Degradation, and Inhibit Its Transcriptional Function during Photomorphogenesis" has been accepted by Molecular Plant (Impact Factor: 10.812). Left is a cover designed by Chih-Peng Yuan in memoriam of Winslow, who was a giant in Photobiology.

Recruiting now - Open positions for Research Assistant, PhD students and Master students

Our lab is recruiting research assistant, PhD and master students. We welcome anyone who is interested in biochemical science and plant research. No lab experience needed as long as you are willing to learn. Please send your CV and a brief intro stating what you want to do and learn in our lab to

Dr. Cheng receives MOST Young Scholar Fellowship-Einstein project (愛因斯坦計畫)

Dr. Cheng receives the MOST-funded 5-year grant to develop a translational regulatory network during light-stress crosstalk in plants through international collaboration among UT-Austin and NTU.

National Taiwan University

Department of Biochemical Science and Technology

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